Materials are grouped by Categories
- Quantities can be calculated from the Estimate usage or by directly entering a quantity to buy. Materials may have Buying Units defined, with conversion factors to the Units used within Estimating.
- Materials are grouped by Categories to allow them to be sent to the correct type of Supplier. Any number of Suppliers can be allocated to each Category and materials can be in several Categories.
Track Enquiry progress
- Enquiries can be printed or sent by email. Emails can have attached files such as specifications etc, and the list of materials can be attached in a variety of formats.
- Standard letters can be created within the module and attached to the enquiry. Quotations returning by email can be imported directly into the comparison sheet.
- Prices can be selected (and used to update the Estimate prices) for a single material from any Supplier, by selecting a single Supplier for all the materials or by selecting the cheapest prices within the Category.
- Enquiry progress can be tracked, with follow-up letters, recording of contact by telephone etc.
- Register of Suppliers, Depots and Category allocations.
Supplier Analysis & Buying
- Prices can be selected from Suppliers and used to update the Estimate material prices. This can be done by allocating materials to a supplier category. Prices can then be input into the estimate from the Suppliers. From this you can apply your preferred Supplier prices to the estimate or select the cheapest prices from multiple Suppliers
- Enquiry progress can be tracked, with follow-up letters, recording of contact by telephone, etc
- Register of Suppliers, Depots and Category allocations
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